Privacy Policy
Acorn Community Support has limited personal data but takes its responsibility to protecting that data seriously.
Acorn Community Support will use personal information that you give us about yourself for only matters relating to Acorn Community Support. We treat all information as private and confidential. We will not reveal any personal details to anyone not connected to Acorn Community Support unless you ask us to reveal the information or we are required to do so by law. Acorn Community Support will contact you using the most recent address, email or phone number you’ve given us. It is your responsibility to tell us if these details change to ensure you continue to receive information about Acorn and to avoid information falling into the wrong hands.
Personal data is held in both paper form and on our IT systems and will be kept in accordance with our Data Protection Policy. If you would like a copy of the information that we hold on you , you can make a Data Subject Access Request under the Data Protection Act by writing to the Acorn Community Support office.